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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Flynn's Training Log #1

I've decided to start keeping track of my training sessions with Flynn, and my horsemanship and techniques to keep track of how Flynn grows, how I grow as a horsewoman and how our relationship grows. *This is not an informational log. This is so I can keep track of our progress, and share it with others, but please DO NOT take this as training advice. There are great free videos and articles online with training information. I have only had horses for a few years, and relatively new to training.*

Today we took it easy. A few days ago Flynn became aggressive when I tried to lunge him on the left side by swinging the rope. He began to threaten bites and kicks and to rear up and buck. I made sure to get him to move his feet in the right direction and then let him go, as I could tell it wasn't a good day for a 2 hour session or even a 1 hour session. I didn't want him to think he could get away with that behavior so we lunged a little more and then he was free to go. My confidence was slightly shaken, and I could tell mutually we lost a bit of trust and I lost some of his respect. So, we took off about 2 days with just me visiting him in pasture for scratches and brushing and I sat up above him on the fence to get some sort of respect/trust training in, but no halter.

So, for today's session we worked a bit on basic fundamental respect exercises, such as lunging. He moved off a little slowly the first few times I asked him to 'walk on' and clicked, he looked at me and slowly went into a circle so I had to step it up a bit, sense he wasn't really paying attention, and I asked him to trot and clicked. When he was slow to act I swung the whip at the ground. I worked on direction change and his cues, on yielding his hindquarters, and backing. After a short 20 minuet session or so, I let him go and spent some calm time just petting him and talking to him to just help him to feel calm around me.

Next session I want to work more on the fundamental respect exercises, such as lunging and his cues, and backing up. At the end of the session I'd like to accomplish earning more trust, and respect and possibly working on his fear of the jean jacket I wear. He tends to spook at it when I take it off and it swings around. Hopefully we can regain a bit of trust in each other, and regain the calm relationship we were starting to gain.

'Till next time!

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